A New Year, A Fresh Start to 2020!

I’m doing it this year! I’m going to actually make a New Year’s resolution. While some don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, I personally enjoy setting new goals, having a fresh start, and kicking off the new year with a sense of direction. For me, it’s one way to hit the restart button, plan out the year and look at our future with a new perspective.

My first resolution is to make healthier choices. Now, don’t close this article just yet! I know many make this resolution. But if we don’t share this goal then how can we be accountable? Who is going to encourage us? Who is going to help you stay on track? I’m sharing this with you so that I can help myself succeed as well. I’ve always struggled with staying fit and exercising on a regular basis. A friend recently introduced me to the MyFitnessPal app. It’s an easy way to track your calories, log your activity, and educate you on how to make healthy choices. Plus it’s FREE! My resolution is to use this app and ride our Peloton, which I LOVE, consistently. I want to be proud of myself and the choices that I make when it comes to my health.

My second resolution might be a surprise to you, but I want to start using a planner. Somehow, I’ve made it this far without really needing one (or so I thought), but after talking with a friend, it made me realize that it can actually provide balance and calmness to your life. So, I’ve mapped out my months with ALL THE THINGS! It feels A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I know there are some planners that are pretty intense with all the tabs, lists, and details, but I wanted something simple and am loving this one.

Lastly, I’m going to strive to be more honest with myself and with others. I want to share my thoughts and opinions openly, without worrying what someone else might think of me. This is a major reason that I started Honest Ladies. I want this site to be more than a place to shop; I want it to be an outlet for all of us. A place where we can share our likes and dislikes, our struggles and achievements, all while being honest without judgement or criticism. I encourage you to use this platform and share here on Honest Ladies. It can be about anything in life!  Simply email me and I will help you get your stories out there.

My goal in sharing all of this with you is to help me be accountable and better myself. Hopefully, my thoughts will encourage you to make positive changes in your life as well. If we continue to build each other up, no one will feel put down.


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