My Favorites from the Nordstrom Half Yearly SALE!

Happy Wednesday! We’ve made it half way through the week; a victory in itself! It’s been a bit crazy wrapping up the end of the school year and getting ready for summer. This morning, I had a grand plan to ride the bike first thing and then do some house chores. It’s been quickly derailed as I remembered it’s the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale! Which is basically like Christmas in the summer :).

If you know me well, then you know I’m all about a great deal. I’ve scoured the sale and have selected some of my favorite pieces. Whether you’re looking for a casual every day shirt , a gorgeous dress for an event or a pair of sandals for the summer, you’ll be sure to find something here.

My Favorite Clothing

My Favorite Accessories

I hope some of these have caught your eye and you’re able to treat yourself. Now, it’s back to my original plan today LOL. Be sure to check out Home Decor…Coast Style; you can get your home ready for summer 🙂 Happy Wednesday!


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