Treat yourself!

It’s that time of the year where kids go back to school, you feel like the seasons should be changing and yet it’s still crazy hot outside! The first day of fall isn’t for another 33 days (insert long sigh)! Don’t worry, I have something that can cool you off and get you ready for fall!

Last weekend, Vince and I were able to enjoy a fun evening out with friends.  While getting ready, he concocted a fun cocktail to kick off the evening.  It was delicious and very refreshing!  I  definitely recommend trying it before the end of summer.


“Last Days of Summer”


2 Oz Tequila

0.5 Oz Lime Juice

1 Oz Watermelon Juice

Simple Syrup


1 Lime



Combine Tequila, Lime Juice and Watermelon Juice in Shaker over Ice and Stir

Strain into glass and add a splash of Simple Syrup

Top with Champagne

Garnish with a Lime Wedge


If you’re itching to pull out your fall decorations like me, try some of these simple tips that will hold you over these next few weeks until fall arrives…

  1. Place mums in pots and vases around the house
  2. Add arrangements of Cotton Stems
  3. Layer different textures
  4. Add touches of plaid
  5. Place a throw blanket over your sofa or chair
  6. Add birch logs in or near your fireplace

Once fall hits, you can go full force and add all your final touches of fall filled with pumpkins, leafs and more!


I hope you enjoy these and are able to try them out, I think you’ll enjoy them!



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